World of Warcraft: Alteration to Void-Touched Armaments Mechanics

Greg Burn


World of Warcraft: Alteration to Void-Touched Armaments Mechanics

The continuous stream of hotfixes for World of Warcraft’s Season of Discovery has brought about a significant change to the mechanics of Void-Touched Armaments. Since the inception of the season, players have been exploring new content, encompassing activities such as the fresh PvP endeavor in the Battle for Ashenvale and the 10-player version of the classic dungeon, Blackfathom Deeps (BFD).

These events have offered participants a chance to collect a variety of new gear, including the sought-after Void-Touched Armaments. Players can initially craft these items through professions such as Tailoring, Leatherworking, or Blacksmithing. The items reach their full potential once players have completed definitive tasks inside BFD.

A recent hotfix, however, has surprised many by modifying the functionality of Void-Touched Armaments. Blizzard has announced through a forum post that the different pieces of Void-Touched Armor will now all have a unified cooldown period for their active abilities. Previously, players were gathering several pieces of this armor and rotating between them to make use of the different active effects. Now, only one piece of this armor may be activated at any given time due to the shared cooldown system.

The decision to adjust the Void-Touched Armaments has been seen as an unexpected move, particularly since player exploitation of the old mechanics appeared to be a rare occurrence. What's more, the community has been vocal about requesting changes in other aspects of the game that have yet to be addressed, such as issues within Ashenvale and the broader PvP landscape. One such concern involves the domination of premade groups over casual players in Warsong Gulch, which has led to the community suggesting changes that could potentially resolve this imbalance.

As World of Warcraft ventures toward the second phase of the Season of Discovery, expected to launch at the start of the year, the game is poised for significant transformations. Whether or not these changes will align with player expectations and satisfaction remains an open question as the season evolves.
